The Importance of Health Insurance

Recently, President Joe Biden signed an executive order to reopen enrollment to the Health Insurance Marketplace.

In conjunction with President Biden’s executive order, the state of Colorado is opening a special enrollment period from February 8 – May 15.

Why is it important for state and national administrations to focus on health insurance?

For many, the pandemic has brought new challenges to routine health care. This includes loss of employee sponsored health insurance plans, loss of income making it no longer feasible to pay for plans, and a general loss of direction when trying to figure out what to do next.

Searching and budgeting for health insurance can be challenging, however, it is worth the time and effort.  Fortunately, there are organizations like Doctors Care ready to help make the process easier.

Here are three reasons why it is important to have health insurance:

  • Health insurance through the Marketplace, Medicaid, or Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+) provides preventative care at no cost. Annual exams, immunizations, and yearly screenings are important to maintaining good health and well-being. Often, preventative care can catch serious health issues early when they are still treatable.
  • Health insurance can seem expensive, but studies show that uninsured individuals and families have very limited access to, and do not receive, the same quality of care as those with insurance. In addition, when an unexpected accident or illness occurs, health insurance protects individuals from costly medical bills. For example, the average cost of a broken leg is around $7,500, which is an out of pocket expense for the uninsured.
  • One last point: You insure your car, home, and other valuable items. Why would you not insure your most valuable asset? Yourself and your family.

For more reasons why health insurance is important, check out this report released from the American Hospital Association.

If you, or someone you know, are in need of health insurance, Doctors Care’s health coverage guides are here to help! Schedule a virtual appointment by visiting or by calling 720-458-6185.

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