Winter Solstice – My Favorite Day of the Year

The shortest day of the year is December 21 st . Every year on this day, I breathe a sigh of relief because afterwards, the days start getting longer. We will begin to have more daylight. May be a false sense of reality, but I believe more daylight can disinfect the sadness, stress, anxiousness and the emotional toll of the past year. Recently someone asked me to share how I was feeling in five words. I ask each of you to take a moment to find your five words. Mine are , I feel hopeful, but cautious. I have asked others to share theirs, and some that really spoke to me are; concerned, optimistic, caring, busy, happy, connected, gratitude, weary, isolated, emotional – all have touched my own life this year. As the year ends, I want to say thank you for being a part of this journey. Not one we may have chosen, but a journey we have all traveled together. Hang in there. In the words of one of our newfound heroes, Dr. Anthony Fauci, “Help is on the Way”.

– Bebe Kleinman, CEO

The Importance of Health Insurance

Recently, President Joe Biden signed an executive order to reopen enrollment to the Health Insurance Marketplace. In conjunction with President Biden’s executive order, the state of Colorado is opening a special enrollment period from

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