Providing A Source of Hope

When Jan first met the young mother of four who was struggling with homelessness and drug addiction, she reached out to offer help. Very soon Jan was spending regular, quality time with the children and they formed a quick bond. One day, the mother, overwhelmed and unable to adequately care for the children, asked Jan to take them full time. Jan agreed, but found herself in an uncertain situation, not knowing where to turn for help. The children, who were ages 2-6, were malnourished and had had very little medical care.

Jan says from the moment she walked into Doctors Care, she sensed a difference and felt hope. “Doctors Care was the first place that embraced us with the services we needed. The level of care is amazing.” Jan was thrilled to learn she would receive free diapers at every well visit. In the fall, the older children received school supplies. “I had a lot of pride. I had never used ‘the system’ before. But, I realized that I couldn’t do this alone.”

When the kids needed nutrition supplements that Jan couldn’t afford, Doctors Care found a source to deliver a case each week to her house, free of charge. When the kids were facing especially challenging problems, the providers spent extra time, working through the lunch hour to make sure all of Jan’s concerns were addressed.

“Doctors Care can do things I didn’t know could be done. The kids love their providers. They really took us under their wing. The way the kids are cared for warms my heart every time we come in for a visit.”

Strength in Collaboration

We at Doctors Care are grateful for the many collaborative relationships we have with like-minded and like-hearted organizations in our community. One of those organizations, The Denver Seminary, has been

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The Doctors Care Legacy

As we approach the Thanksgiving holiday, I have been reflecting on my role as a board member and the legacy we all hope to leave. Community enrichment and involvement is

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