A good friend of Doctors Care passed recently. Transitions of any kind cause me to pause and wonder, do I connect enough with people who bring joy into the world? In the end, it is not possessions that we wish we had more of – it’s the people in our lives that make our world a better place. I met Carol Worth 18 years ago through a wonderful service organization called Dry Creek Sertoma. Sertoma stands for Service to Mankind, and Carol clearly lived her life serving others. Carol never hesitated to volunteer at Doctors Care in whatever capacity we needed, even dreaded fundraising committees and activities that sustain us. She didn’t shy away from the challenges.

But it was a funny story Carol shared with me some years ago that still makes me smile. It happened one day as she returned home from the family ranch, and was unloading the car in front of her home. She had a canvas bag stuffed full of dirty laundry sitting out on the driveway. The bag, a giveaway from an earlier fundraising event, had the Doctors Care name and logo on it. A neighbor walked by and looked closely at the bag and asked how she had received it. Carol, always the lady, was a bit flustered because it was filled with dirty laundry. Red-faced, she blurted out that she volunteered for a wonderful organization called Doctors Care. The neighbor responded that Doctors Care helped save his life by getting him medical care when he was uninsured. The connection allowed Carol to relate on a deeper level to someone she had lived close by for many years, but knew nothing about personally. She told me the incident reminded her that no matter where we live there may be someone close by that needs our help. She added that being a volunteer brought great joy and value to her life. Carol’s humor, kindness, and service to others will be missed. She is an example to me that I can do more to make our world a kinder and gentler place.

Bebe Kleinman, CEO
Doctors Care

The Importance of Health Insurance

Recently, President Joe Biden signed an executive order to reopen enrollment to the Health Insurance Marketplace. In conjunction with President Biden’s executive order, the state of Colorado is opening a special enrollment period from

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